Just an ordinary teenager, Kobeni Yonomori receives quite the surprise on her 16th birthday—a fiancé and a sister-in-law she never even knew she had. As a result of an arrangement that her late grandfather made, Hakuya Mitsumine and his younger sister Mashiro have moved from their countryside home to the Yonomori household in order to deepen their relationship with their new family members. This story follows Kobeni's "love life" with Hakuya as she tries her best to adjust to the abrupt changes...
THE IDOLM@STER 765 MILLIONSTARS HOTCHPOTCH FESTIV@L!! was a two-day concert event that took place on October 7th and 8th, 2017. The concert featured a variety of songs and performers from 765 Production, such as ones from THE iDOLM@STER Million Live!, and took place at the Nippon Budokan Arena in Chiyoda Prefecture, Tokyo. Both days of the concert were filmed and released on Blu-ray in standard separate and limited edition boxset formats on November 21st, 2018....