Flying Bark Animation produced an animated cartoon series of Tabaluga. In this series, Tabaluga is the last of the dragons and the crown-prince of Greenland, a magical place inhabited by talking animals of many different species. Tabaluga must defend his home from two rival kingdoms on either side of Greenland; a frigid arctic tundra, ruled by the evil snowman Arktos and a searing desert, ruled by an evil sand-spirit named Humsin....
Tatort is a long-running German/Austrian/Swiss, crime television series set in various parts of these countries. The show is broadcast on the channels of ARD in Germany, ORF in Austria and SF1 in Switzerland....
A police department, lead by an older, experienced detective solve crimes together....
The charm of the beautiful Jonny is of a frightening effectiveness on the women. He uses it to create his company which offers his talents to lonely ladies. His business is going great and he is getting rich. But will Jonny be able to provide quality services for a long time?...
The story presents an entertaining as well as revealing portrayal of the moral history of sex in the course of human history....