"Ehraam-e-Junoon" follows the story of a young and immensely beautiful girl named Shanzay, who is filled with pride and stubbornness due to her upper-class upbringing. Shanzay believes that money can buy everything, including happiness. Despite her high standards, Shanzay is yet to find a man who can impress her until she meets Shayan at an event. Shayan is a handsome young man from a middle-class family, who takes up a job as a pizza delivery boy to make ends meet. Shanzay who is immediately d...
Khumar is a timeless love story that delves into the challenges arising from societal class differences and the negativity that stems from them. Khumar explores the complexities of love in the face of societal expectations and challenges. Faiz and Hareem, two individuals from different backgrounds, find their lives connected by destiny. Faiz, born into an affluent family, contrasts sharply with Hareem, who hails from a lower-middle-class background. Despite their differences, fate weaves their ...
A story of two women Shaista and Nayyara, and their daughters. Shaista is very selfish and has spoiled her husband's life. Shaista's daughters, Muskan and Iraj are stylish, having a very rude and aggressive behaviour with everyone, especially their cousins. Nayyara is a cousin of Shaista and a wife of her brother-in-law. She is happy and middle-class. Meanwhile, Nayyara's daughters Fala, Fariya and Haya are simple, sweet in nature who give respect to everyone....
‘Bikhray Moti’ is the story of a young girl, Aiza who has dreams of making a better future for herself. But fate has something else in store for her, a promise to her dying sister takes her on a completely different path, and her mission becomes saving the lives of her nephews and niece from their heartless father, Zulfi and the evils of the society....
The story is about a middle-class girl, Umm-e-Kulsoom, who is good at singing. She is the favorite child of her mother Maryam. She is engaged to her maternal cousin Moosa but her sister Ruqaiyya creates problems for her and Moosa. Later, Umm-e-Kulsoom became a big singer and married Nihal....
The story revolves around a beautiful girl, Rabi, and her cousin Mateen, who is also her neighbor and love interest...
A renowned heroine Zara is found dead mysteriously raising a lot of questions of whom and how. Investigation officer Shehzad tries to find out who is behind it and thinks her brother in law, Kabir is behind it....
Inept kidnappers need both luck and logic to stay one step ahead of the determined cop who is hot on their trail, but are laughably lacking both....
A rich heiress who falls in love with a man who is not as financially stable as herself. When former love interests make an appearance, the new lovers face challenges....