Skavlan is a Norwegian-Swedish television talk show hosted by Norwegian journalist Fredrik Skavlan. It premiered in Sweden on Sveriges Television in January 2009, and the first guests to appear on the show were former Prime Minister of Sweden Göran Persson and his wife Anitra Steen. On 8 May 2009, it was announced that Skavlan had been renewed for a second season. It was also announced that the show would no longer only be produced by SVT in Sweden; Skavlan would now be partly produced in Norway...
A Norwegian genealogy documentary series in which celebrities trace their ancestry, discovering secrets and surprises from their past....
Throughout his life, Harald Rønneberg has done things he can't manage. Now he will get very familiar with a bunch of inspiring Norwegians and together they will complete eight challenges Harald has dreamed of for a long time. Because as he usually says: There is a limit to how much shit can go!...
Ida spends most of her life online. When her boyfriend Marvin, whom she's never met in person, announces he's dating another woman in real life, her world collapses. Ida sets out on a quest to find her own physical partner....