A retired policeman and a former criminal must face their past when their daughters' lives are suddenly put at risk in this gangster thriller shining a light on the dark and dangerous activities of the Warsaw Mafia....
On the day of the wedding of a medical student with a wealthy plastic surgeon, the families of the young couple realize that the only thing they have in common are secrets and lies. The secrets of both sides will be revealed during the wedding ceremony....
Summer 1944. Walter Proska is about to return to the Eastern Front when his train is blown up by partisans. Together with a scattered bunch of German soldiers, cut off from the front, he awaits certain death while the commands of his superior Willi Stehauf are becoming more and more senseless and inhuman....
A once-respected surgeon who's lost his family and his memory gets a chance at redemption when he reconnects with someone from his forgotten past....
Stuck in a passionless marriage, a journalist must choose between her distant but loving husband and a younger ex-boyfriend who has reentered her life...
Is a party after a canceled wedding a recipe for disaster? It is. And what a disaster it is! Two families differ in everything - origin, status, wallet content, taste. The parents of the groom and bride are initially shocked. What did such a thing happen? Who was at fault? What about the wedding party? Should they welcome the guests? Play music? Pour the vodka? Who will cut the cake? From word to word, polite smiles turn into public washing of dirt. And finally a real bomb goes off... And in the...
In 2011, a psychiatric patient is visited by a postulate. The patient is a retired head of the "D" Group – a secret department of the Security Service to fight against the Polish Catholic church. Murders, beatings, blackmails, provocations, robberies, those are standard methods of operation for its officers. The postulate wants to unravel the mystery of the death of priest Roman Kotlarz, a parish priest from Pelagow....
A winning lottery ticket has grave consequences for a married couple when they start hatching plans to kill each other for the prize money....
Marta's surprise birthday party sets in motion a spiral of tragic events....