Prank Show...
In a series that offers socio-political commentary, the story revolves around a female minister who comes from an prestigious family as she encounters a lot of problems because of her staunch opposition to corruption and moral depravity....
The series takes place during the war of attrition and its aftermath, in a building and the relationship between its inhabitants, and about a family who loses their son in the war and its impact on them. It also deals with the issue of terrorism and poverty, which drives the poor to drift behind extremist groups....
The story follows a father of four daughters who is married to a school principal, while his mother is a strong rural lady, but she also has a soft side....
A thriller about five friends who, after their graduation from the AUC, start working for Professor Selim Mansour, who is involved in illegal activities. But in the wake of a murder, everything changes....
Sayed, a street vendor, enlists the help of the lawyer Azza to prove his and his siblings' ownership of the house they reside in. As Azza looks the ownership documents over, she discovers that the siblings actually own the plot of land on which the Cairo Airport is built....
Mustafa worked in the guard team of President Sadat at the time of his assassination, he becomes depressed and an alcoholic. His wife leaves him with their daughter and marries a businessman engaged in suspicious operations leading to the abduction of the daughter. So she turns to Mustafa to save her....
After killing an orphan boy called (Karim) with her car, (Mona) suffers a psychological shock that made her imagine that Karim lived and grew up. She writes a novel about him and imagined herself to be (Nour) the heroine of the novel,who loved (Karim) and wished to live with him....