Lena Lorenz is a captivating drama series that follows the life of a talented and ambitious midwife, Lena Lorenz, who returns to her idyllic hometown in the Bavarian Alps after working for several years in a bustling city hospital. Seeking a quieter and more meaningful life, Lena embarks on a journey of self-discovery, as she navigates the challenges and joys of her new profession in the picturesque rural village....
Inspired by popular suspense short stories and anthology series like "The Twilight Zone," "The Nicest People in the World" confronts us with the supernatural and tackles the issues of our time in an exciting, frightening and satirical way. The teenager Lill runs like a ghostly thread through the four seemingly self-contained stories. But what do a crossbow, a manga comic and a video game have to do with it?...
Bruno is not just any cop. He is Boom Boom Bruno, the district's cowboy. Everything here is under his control. His criminals, his hookers, his boss. He is thrilled with his new partner Mark – it's up to him to teach this insecure boy to be a real man with balls. When a drag queen is found dead on his turf, however, both Bruno and Mark must fight their own prejudices and meet resistance coming from all sides to solve the case....