Set in the backdrop of the mystical city of Varanasi, Asur follows Nikhil Nair, a forensic-expert-turned-teacher, who returns to his roots at the Central Bureau of Investigation, and along with his former mentor Dhananjay Rajpoot, finds himself caught in a cat-and-mouse game with a brutal serial killer. What follows is a blend of suspense, mythology and the murders of some people totally unrelated....
Kabir, a brilliant but non-conventional officer of the Crime Branch, puts the pieces together of seemingly unconnected deaths of organ donors that lead up to an unlikely suspect - the affable Danny. Kabir will not stop till he cracks the case and delivers justice....
When Shivaji and his family and the entire community of his village are one day forced to leave Pakistan, he is separated from his beloved mother, who once adopted him, while fleeing to India. Having grown into a respectable and feared man a few years later, Shivaji now sets out in search of his next of kin. But he also stands up for the rights of his people who are forced into forced labor by an exploiter and devotes his whole life to this task, which is why he is henceforth referred to as 'Cha...
A mysterious man is on an impending mission to attack the country from his base in London. Karan Singh Dogra sets out to hunt down the antagonist aided by the British Intelligence....