Little Mom tells the story of Naura (Natasha Wilona), a beautiful, accomplished 16-year-old girl who is the pride of parents who aspire to become an obstetrician. Unfortunately, her dreams fall apart due to being pregnant with Yuda (Teuku Rassya), a cool and popular guy at school. The situation becomes even more complicated as Yuda moves to Japan and Naura has to face Keenan (Al Ghazali), the troublemaker at school but is always there for Naura in times of trouble. Naura also has to face Celine ...
Pijar who has the ability to see someone's death, believes that he can remove the curse if he finds his true love....
Diva, a famous model and artist seems to have a perfect life. But the reality says otherwise. Will he be able to live happily?...
Keysa's desire to maintain her perfect life suddenly changes when she is assigned to persuade Naufan, a former swimmer, to return to school....
Where Siena is experiencing depression due to being able to see someone's death sign. Even in this situation, she tries to help the people of Remetuk Village who are shrouded in a suicide mystery....
Young marriage never crossed Arga's mind, Arga don't know what his parents were thinking of, until he was able to marry himself to the son of his father's best friend. Or as a will that must be fulfilled when Arga is eighteen years old....
Little Mom tells the story of Naura, a beautiful, accomplished 16-year-old girl who is the pride of parents who aspire to become an obstetrician. Unfortunately, her dreams fall apart due to being pregnant with Yuda, a cool and popular guy at school. The situation becomes even more complicated as Yuda moves to Japan and Naura has to face Keenan, the troublemaker at school but is always there for Naura in times of trouble. Naura also has to face Celine, Naura's tough rival in every way, who also l...
Diva, a student who works as a model and famous artist. He has a perfect life. However, behind it all he often experienced terror. One day, he met Zayn. Zayn helped Diva from being chased by fans who asked for photos....
Keysa is assigned to persuade Naufan, a former swimming athlete, to return to school....
Dikta, a smart final year student, and Nadhira, a lazy 12th grade high school student have very different characters. However, Dikta always helps Nadhira with her schoolwork. Because Nadhira was already in grade 12, Dikta became Nadhira's tutor so that she could enter college. The two of them have been friends since childhood and were trapped in an arranged marriage by their respective parents. In fact, Nadhira already had a boyfriend, while Dikta had a boyfriend, even though he was cheating on...
Two people who once made a promise to each other, faced a very difficult problem after death separated them, because their promise was to always protect each other wherever they are....
"Nini Thowok" film is about Nadine (Natasha Wilona) and her sister Naya (Nicole Rossi) who were forced to open and not to sell an inn Mekar Jiwo as her grandmother's (Jajang C. Noer) inheritance in Solo, West Java....
Alitt's breakup with his long-term girlfriend, Wina, has left him feeling betrayed. His best friends, Supri tries his best to find him a new girlfriend. Vivi is finally able to make Alitt move on, but Wina suddenly comes back into his life....
Ryan, Sultan and Mayang are the crew of the unseen natural expedition for the tv program, Horror Calling. Ryan acted as the host of the event. Mayang, an indigo, the money shows life invisible magic. The Sultan of the cameraman. One day Ryan had to go through his papa's funeral. Harsono and Ratna, Ryan's toddler, unfold the real Ryan past. Ryan is the adopted child. Through Harsono, Ryan's father, Gunawan, entrusted the will of a very remote residence outside the city....
Siena is able to see signs that people will die. The sign appeared on Brama, someone she loves. Siena tries hard to prevent Brama's death....