13th year of the Genroku era. Matahachiro Aoe, a samurai of the Shonai clan from Dewa Province, accidentally learned that a group of conspirators led by the main vassal of Tango Otomi were planning to poison the Lord. Matahachiro decided to consult with the father of his fiancée Yuki, Kizaemon Hiranuma, an employee of the security department, and told him everything. However, when Matahachiro was about to leave for home, Hiranuma attacked him from behind and Matahachiro defended himself by killi...
Mariko is a forensic scientist working at the Kyoto PD Crime Lab. Her credo is “science never lies” and she delves into the truth of the case with her colleagues with their specialized skills and knowledge in forensic medicine, physics, chemistry etc. Mariko’s steadfast belief in science makes her stand against conventional institutional ethics of the police department, diehard detectives averse to scientific investigation and sometimes even with her own colleagues, but she stays faithful to her...
"Elite" members of an insurance company are gathered together to form a unit to investigate an accident and whether the company needs to pay out on the insurance policy or not....
A man is murdered after stealing documents from the Olympic Department of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology....