The story revolves around a girl named Azra who is studying abroad in America to be a professional cook like her father. She met Cenk, the grandson of Ferida Celen, on the plane and took his bag instead of hers at the airport by mistake. Cenk who was expelled from his university in America and struggling to choose his own destiny will get to witness the huge turn in Azra's life when her father dies in a fire accident leaving her and his autistic son with his greedy wife....
Growing up in dorm Yaz tries to stand on her own feet. But things do not go well. In this mixed period, she meets her mother and father, whom she has never seen before. Yaz will have difficulty accepting them first, but then she will do her best to become a family....
The series centers on Kagan and Firuze, two lovebirds whose lives drastically change in one day....
Yaman, who lives in the suburb of Tozludere (Istanbul), is arrested and put in jail with his brother because his brother decided to steal a car at a petrol station. Until that day he tried to change his destiny by working hard to earn a good life. That evening he was unwillingly introduced to crime and his clean dossier was tainted. He meets a rich lawyer, Selim Serez....
The paths of the two mothers whose dreams and lives are different from each other intersect and cause unexpected events after years....
No description...
After completing his studies in France, young Ali gets exiled to an Anatolian town, where he becomes a teacher and begins to question his own beliefs....