La Otra is a Mexican telenovela that was produced by Televisa and aired on El Canal de las Estrellas from 20 May through 20 September 2002. It aired on Univision in the United States from October 14, 2002 through February 28, 2003. It stars Yadhira Carrillo as both Carlota Guillen Sáenz and Cordelia Portugal, identical strangers whose lives collide upon becoming involved with Álvaro Ibáñez. "The Best Telenovela of the Year"...
Apuesta por un Amor is a Mexican telenovela produced by Angelli Nesma Medina for Televisa in 2004. Patricia Manterola and Juan Soler starred as the protagonists, while Alejandra Ávalos, Roberto Ballesteros and Fabián Robles starred as the antagonists....
Corazones al límite is a Mexican telenovela about a teenage girl named Diana who was emotionally neglected from her parents, and felt unwanted. After being expelled from her boarding school in Switzerland, Diana goes back to live with her parents....
The beautiful nightclub singer/dancer Juana the Cuban moonlights as freedom fighter “Commander Zeta”, joining forces with the C.I.A. to overthrow the brutal regime of a military dictator (played by Erik Estrada) who plans to unleash bacteriological warfare on the U.S.A....
Only Theseus, the son of a god with a heart of gold, can stop the evil King Minos and his hideous Minotaur from conquering the world....
A young woman must save herself and her family when her fiancé unleashes an ancient horror....