Malibu, CA is an American teen sitcom television program produced by Saved by the Bell creator Peter Engel that aired from 1998 to 2000 on syndication. Co-created by Engel and Carl Kurlander, the show centred around the lives of twin brothers Scott and Jason Collins, who move to Malibu, California from New York City to live with their father, Peter. Guest appearances on the show included Dennis Haskins, Scott Whyte and Marissa Dyan from City Guys, Daniella Deutscher from Hang Time, and model Vi...
Breaker High is a Canadian teen comedy-drama series that ran from 1997 to 1998, airing on YTV in Canada and on UPN in the United States....
Reverend Eric Camden and his wife Annie have always had their hands full caring for seven children, not to mention the friends, sweethearts and spouses that continually come and go in the Camden household....
When high school science teacher, Mr.Hill, convinces his student, Kerry Johnson, and a group of her friends to go on an overnight field trip, they find themselves face to face with the darkest side of terror. Not even their worst nightmares will compare to what they encounter in the depths of the forest. Neither Mr.Hill nor sheriff could ever hope to save them from what lurks in the unknown....
Viscerally experience a "year off" in Aspen, Colorado with a group of recent college grads who have elected to defer graduate school and career opportunities to ski, snow-board, climb, party, fall in love and basically live life to its absolute fullest out in this spectacular mountain town....