The story revolves around the love that begins with hatred between Gülcemal, whom his mother abandoned and turned into a dark monster when he was young, and the beautiful Dev, who becomes engulfed in a whirlwind of fire, passion, and storm. In Gülcemal's battle with his mother, will an unexpected love or the years of hatred he has harbored prevail? Will Gülcemal, on this road full of sacrifices, turn from being a cruel hunter to prey out in the open? And what about Deva? When she finally surrend...
Aras is a pop star who has won the love and admiration of the whole country. June is an ordinary neighborhood girl who dreams of becoming a singer, in love with her desperately. There are innumerable obstacles such as glory, fame, class difference to come together. But in a concert, Aras and June find themselves among many people, and they realize that the real obstacle between them is Arist's father Fikret and his mother Zeynep who disappeared years ago....
Driven by revenge, human-turned-vampire Mia sets out to vanquish Dmitry, a ruthless vampire leader who seeks an artifact that grants immortality....
Ferhan steals the money of corrupt officials, swindlers, and those who become rich through unjust means and extends a helping hand to the impoverished youth in his neighborhood, providing education and assistance to their families. An unexpected death will shake his entire life. This event will not only test him with his ideals but also with his love, and he will seek ways to pass this test. When he realizes that he cannot fight against injustices like Ferhan alone, he adopts Orhan's identity. T...
The epic love between Akkiz, the legendary warrior mountain girl orphaned by Gök Khan Korkut Khan in the harsh steppes of Central Asia, and Gök Tegini Batuga, who was orphaned by Korkut Khan in the Gök Palace during Gokturk Khaganate....
Sancar has always & Nare has always yearned for love. When they meet and fall in love as children, they know they are meant to be; they just have to wait to be old enough to marry. On the night of their wedding, a startling revelation by Nare forever changes their lives and puts their love on hold until the night of another wedding many years later....
Hüseyin is a young man who lives with his grandfather and grandmother in a village in Thracian Turkey. The two great loves of his life are his clarinet and Müjgan, a nurse. Although Hüseyin is content with his life, with his music and dreams of Mügan, due to an unexpected development he leaves his village. He ends up in Istanbul where he finds support first in his clarinet and then in the friendship of the singer Firuzan. Firuzan is a popular nightclub performer who is eagerly working on an albu...
A twenty years old boy that lost his mother, father and sister in a traffic accident takes a caravan trip with his best friend in order to hold onto life again....