Mr Men and Little Miss aired in both the United Kingdom and the United States. In the United Kingdom, the program was fully animated, and the characters were voiced by British voice actors Geoffrey Palmer, Gordon Peters, and Jill Shilling. The show was narrated by Geoffrey Palmer. In the United States, the voices were dubbed into North American English by Canadian voice actors and the program had live-action segments between animated segments....
The Mr. Men Show was an animated television series based on the original Mr. Men and Little Miss books created in the 1970s, 80s and 90s by British author Roger Hargreaves and his son Adam Hargreaves. Adapted from the published source material into a television variety program, The Mr. Men Show features comedy sketches, pantomimes, dance numbers and music videos. The TV series is directed by Mark Risley and executive produced by Eryk Casemiro & Kate Boutilier. Original score and songs are compos...