Daniel Hallberg, (born 30 September 1987) is a Swedish comedian and television presenter. In 2019, Hallberg presented Grammisgalan 2019 along with Rennie Mirro. Hallberg has participated in the stage show and later on the talk show television version of Luuk & Hallberg along with Kristian Luuk which has been broadcast on SVT.
Popstar and food enthusiast Benjamin Ingrosso invites Swedish celebrities to dinner....
A new couple, their exes and their children navigate the emotional challenges and tricky logistics of blended family life in this Swedish dramedy....
Can one person beat all of Sweden? Live quiz with spectacular experiments. Everyone can compete live via the DUO app and the whole of Sweden competes as a team. Who will win - the lone contestant in the studio or team Sweden?...
A prestigious Stockholm museum's chief art curator finds himself in times of both professional and personal crisis as he attempts to set up a controversial new exhibit....