This magazine, hosted by popular author, professor and chartered accountant Pierre-Yves McSween, aims to get the general public interested in economics and personal finance. With a tone that is both humorous and credible, the show takes an objective and critical look at elements of economics and finance....
Host Guy A. Lepage brings together six to eight personalities from different milieus—sports, politics, stage productions and more—that are the subject of everyone’s conversations and/or are important figures in recent events. Participants are invited to speak freely, voicing their opinions on headline news or on a subject that is near and dear to them. ...
Public figures from different backgrounds meet each week. At first glance, these guests would seem to have little in common. However, something does unite them all: an event or experience that they have graciously agreed to share that justifies their seat at the same table. As the program unfolds, their shared history is gradually revealed....
Host Sébastien Diaz, known for his curiosity, is interested in absolutely everything that's going on in the world. At the rate things are changing, every day brings surprising new trends, unusual developments and contradictory social movements. Sébastien is joined by regular contributors and invites various celebrities to talk about the hottest topics in this modern round table....
Some people see their lives dramatically turned upside down because they waited for too long before seeking care. The documentary series showcases individual who should have rapidly consulted with a doctor when the first signs of illness appeared, before the situation became critical....
In this groundbreaking science series, Dr. Alain Vadeboncoeur takes us through the processes some of the most deadly threats use to attack the human body, as well as the strategies that doctors and other specialists take in trying to turn the tide and save lives....