This show follows the mischievous servant Sule as he goes about his ignorant ways. Sule is upset with Mrs. Tiyo/Kanjeng Mami who has hired a new maid for cooking, so he decided to return to his hometown. Even in his absence, his presence can still be felt.Kanjeng Mami then asks Mr. Tiyo to bring Sule back, what ever it takes. What other mischiefs will Sule get into next?...
Sule (Sule) desperately asks his mother’s (Yati Surachman) permission to work in Malaysia. He wants to have a lot of money, in order to recapture Iis (Selvi Kitty), his girlfriend who is lulled by Cecep (Uus). This situation is exploited by Mang Saswi (Sas Widjanarko), his uncle. Sasly takes Sule to Hong Kong with Sule's money from selling his rice fields. Sule is accidentally involved with the local gang led by Bos K (Iwa K), for trying to help Aline (Pamela Bowie), daughter of an Indonesian bu...
Sule's father, a farmer whose not that reach, have fallen into poverty because of the failure to become "Lurah", and become crazy. So Sule has to go to Jakarta asking help to uncle Salim, the brother of his mother who supposedly rich. Instead of getting help, he was being chased and arrested by police because of suspected accomplice of a police fugitive . Since his mother gave him one way ticket to Jakarta, Sule cannot return to the village and must attempt to survive. He also stuck to Parto, a...
A killer mermaid is on the loose....
The story begins from a gecko which can worth up to millions of rupiah. Sule is hired to become a detective who guards the gecko because there are threats that the animal will be stolen. Sule’s occupation as a detective then threatens his son’s life....