Masumiyet follows the story of Bahar, a married mother of two, whose life changes drastically after her 19-year-old daughter falls in love with a wrong man. Her daughter Ela's first love is not a college student her age, but her father's 35-year-old boss, who is about to marry someone else. Bahar, who is trying to save her daughter from this wrong relationship, can not prevent what will happen, no matter what she does. An event that occurs on the day of Ela's 19th birthday party, changes the liv...
Özgür is a very wealthy restaurant owner and living a sloppy but happy go lucky life, and does not believe in love. Ezgi is now tired of wrong relationships and is determined to have a proper relationship and get married. Seeing that Ezgi is not successful in the relationship matters, Özgür begins to mentor her about relationships and gives her tactics to get the man she likes. Özgür and Ezgi also turns out to be neighbors....
The story of a Ayse, who due to slanderous accusations is forced to marry Kerem, a well-known rich and handsome playboy....
In the series, which deals with the intertwined lives of the servants and their employers working in a boutique site in one of the rich neighborhoods of Istanbul; We also witness the great gap between the above and the below. Your love, your secrets, your lies, and the three women who, in spite of all this, have given up on each other; We will watch his story that sometimes makes you cry and sometimes laugh in Kirli Sepeti......
It tells the story of Cemal, a poor and ambitious young man who lives in Adana, what he can sacrifice for money and power....
After getting forced out of her apartment, a young woman moves in with her colleague in a building where all the residents seem to be hiding a dark secret....
Survivor Turkey is the Turkish version of the popular reality Survivor. This version of the show has aired on both Kanal D in 2005, and on Show TV in 2006, 2007, and 2010. From the beginning Survivor was a success in Turkey, however the cost of producing the show proved to be too much for Kanal D and even Show TV couldn't afford to produce the show on a yearly basis. Because of production costs the show was put on hiatus in 2007 and was brought back three years later. The prize for the first sea...