M.A.S.K. is an animated television series produced by the French-American DIC Enterprises, Inc and Kenner. The series was based on the M.A.S.K. action figures. It was animated in Asia by studios; KK C&D Asia, Studio Juno, Studio World, and Ashi Production....
LOOPDIDOO tells the adventures of an eager pup and his 5-year-old human, Petunia. Each day is a new slate for these two best pals, typically bringing much mischief along with fun times together. Sometimes they're joined by Loopdidoo's feline nemesis, Oodles, who keeps the doggy on his toes with his antics....
Valerian & Laureline must investigate a mysterious time portal in a galaxy filled with the dangerous alien species called the Vlagos after the Earth vanishes....
At Theater tonight is a TV show broadcasted from 25th August 1966 to 21st September 1985. The show is broadcast plays recorded in two or three days, during public performances at the Théâtre Marigny on the Champs-Élysées, or sometimes Edouard VII theater....
Loopdidoo, the goofy dog, has found the perfect spot to bury his bone. As he starts digging, Loopdidoo uncovers… A treasure chest! Right there! Isn’t he a lucky dog? Not quite… Not only does the treasure chest only contain incomprehensible clues, but the evil pirates, Captain Coco and his sidekicks, have just moored their ship, The Black Egg, off the island, determined to get their hands on the treasure too! Will Loopdidoo and his friends be able to outwit the pirates, rescue Loopdidoo’s cousin...
A snowy fairy-tale setting. A full moon. The house and garden are overflowing with glowing, twinkling Christmas decorations. LOOPDIDOO is busily flattening a long stretch of snow: his landing strip is ready! Now all he has to do is wait… But for whom? Santa, of course! PETUNIA, doubled up with laughter, gently teases him: it’ll never work! But would you know it, PETUNIA’s wrong! All of a sudden, SANTA crosses the moonlit sky in a superb, art-deco-pimped chopper-sleigh. LOOPDIDOO starts dancing a...