This moving telenovela tells the story of an unconditional love that overcomes life’s unexpected turnarounds. Ana is a promising tennis player who counts on best friend and sister Manuela for support. After a terrible car accident, Ana goes into a deep coma and only emerges from it five years later. Now, she must struggle to recover the life that went on without her and that she no longer recognizes as her own....
Karin, Magali and Luna are three call girls, who decide to apply some marketing knowledge on the world's oldest profession....
An American writer has to learn the quirks of Rio de Janeiro’s people after moving to the Brazilian city....
Follows Moses leading and conducting the Hebrew people from the slavery of Egypt to the freedom towards the Promised Land according to the Ancient Testament Bible book of the Exodus. The story told like never before is faithful to the Scriptures....
Authorized biopic of Brazilian evangelical bishop Edir Macedo, founder of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God and owner of Record TV network. Based on a book trilogy of the same name, the movie tells the story of the self-made man who faced several moments of turbulence while pursuing his conviction....
After leaving prison in 1992, Edir Macedo goes through a series of trials: the inappropriate conduct of other bishops of the Church, the attack of politicians and Catholics, his mother's illness and the tragedy of the collapse of the roof of a Church in São Paulo ....