Robins is a Swedish late-night talk show which premiered on SVT2 on August 23, 2006. The host is the young stand-up comedian Robin Paulsson from Malmö. The show's format is similar to that of other late-night shows, Robin makes jokes about recent news, shows sketches, and talks to a guest in the studio. One of the most popular sketches in the show features Robin appearing as Swedish football player Zlatan Ibrahimović....
Swedish quiz show with Filip & Fredrik....
Famous comedians and funny experts meet in a duel where they try to outdo each other with astounding facts. Host is Johan Wester. Based on the hit British program QI....
Doobidoo is a Swedish musical game show first aired in 2005 on the public service network SVT. There is also a Polish, TVP2, version called Dubidu - show host Piotr Gasowski - and an Australian version that goes by You may be right, hosted by Todd McKenney The Swedish version of the show is hosted by entertainment personality Lasse Kronér....
Jens and wife Åsa pack up the family to spend the summer in the archipelago. The idyll, however, does not appear when it comes out that the in-laws do not intend to leave the cottage to Jens and Åsa, but plan to spend the whole summer there with them....
Tongue-in-cheek infotainment show following hosts Anders Johansson and Måns Nilsson as they investigate various societal and cultural topics....
Swedish comedy-duo Anders Johansson and Måns Nilsson reads viewers' mail and answers questions about various topics....
100 höjdare was a Swedish TV series which was produced and aired on Kanal 5. Six seasons of the show were produced and it ran from 2004 to 2008. It was hosted by the comedy duo Filip Hammar & Fredrik Wikingsson. In the first three seasons the hosts presented funny moments, often in the form of video clips, listing their 100 all-time favorites. In season two and three they also discuss the clips with celebrity guests. By season four the format changed and instead of showing clips, Filip and Fred...
Sweden's most popular and best comedians were commissioned to make their own sketches based on ten selected themes. It resulted in 10 episodes, 120 sketches, and 300 minutes of Swedish humor....