Relaciones Peligrosas, originally known as Fisico o Quimica, is a Spanish-language telenovela produced by United States-based television network Telemundo Studios, Miami. It is an adaptation of the Spanish television series Física o Química. It has Sandra Echeverría, Gabriel Coronel, Maritza Bustamante, Gonzalo García Vivanco, Jonathan Freudman, Mercedes Molto, Carlos Ferro, Daniela Navarro, Renato Rossini, Kevin Aponte and Ana Layevska in the leading roles of the plot....
The adventures of Vicenta Acero, the feared coyote who now leads the dynasty of illicit dealings once under the control of her father....
Two women share a tragic and supernatural destiny that binds them together even after death. Monica Serrano, a world-renowned pianist with an impressive fortune, dies after the betrayal of her ambitious niece and the man she loves. But by way of a mysterious talisman, Monica's soul, which does not accept departing from this world, occupies the body of Adriana Aguilar, a modest waitress that dies at the hands of a dangerous gangster. Now, in Adriana's body, Monica's soul will do the impossible to...