Relaciones Peligrosas, originally known as Fisico o Quimica, is a Spanish-language telenovela produced by United States-based television network Telemundo Studios, Miami. It is an adaptation of the Spanish television series Física o Química. It has Sandra Echeverría, Gabriel Coronel, Maritza Bustamante, Gonzalo García Vivanco, Jonathan Freudman, Mercedes Molto, Carlos Ferro, Daniela Navarro, Renato Rossini, Kevin Aponte and Ana Layevska in the leading roles of the plot....
Los Barriga is a Peruvian-Ecuadorian telenovela produced by Chroma Producciones for Frequency Latina and TC Television, it was distributed by Frequency Latina International. Original Story by Yesmer Uribe. Claudia Berninzon and Julián Gil starred, with the antagonistic participation of Marcela Ruete, Marco Zunino, Adriana Quevedo and Rebeca Escribans. It also features star performances by Orlando Fundichely, Amparo Brambilla, Ramón García, Nicolás Fantinato, William Bell Taylor and Giovanna And...
Two powerful families are caught in the web of slander, money, sex, and murder that they both built....
Ángel Rebelde is a 2003 Miami, Florida-based telenovela produced by Fonovideo Productions which aired first on Venevisión in Venezuela. Mexican actors Grettel Valdez and Victor Noriega star as the main ptoragonists while Maritza Rodríguez and Ismael La Rosa star as the main antagonists. The telenovela aired on Univision from February 2 to December 6, 2004. It recently aired on Venevisión Plus in 2012....
Maria Rosa, Buscame una Esposa is a Peruvian telenovela that was produced by and seen on Venevisión. This telenovela lasted 120 episodes and was distributed internationally by Venevisión International....
Reina is an old and lonely widow whose only companion is a little black dog called Rey. When the dog disappears, Reina begins to question her own existence. Suddenly, her old patrons (who had left Cuba twenty years ago) return to Miami to stay for a week and convince her to go with them. After spending some time together, Reina discovers that her usual, lonelier, life is better than anything else and decides to stay in Cuba....
This third installment will tell three stories, three inseparable friends, and three reasons to sing and laugh....