Masumiyet follows the story of Bahar, a married mother of two, whose life changes drastically after her 19-year-old daughter falls in love with a wrong man. Her daughter Ela's first love is not a college student her age, but her father's 35-year-old boss, who is about to marry someone else. Bahar, who is trying to save her daughter from this wrong relationship, can not prevent what will happen, no matter what she does. An event that occurs on the day of Ela's 19th birthday party, changes the liv...
The story of a Ayse, who due to slanderous accusations is forced to marry Kerem, a well-known rich and handsome playboy....
"Carbine" The first Ottoman crime show of television history, -Filinta- is a show that presents notions of rights, justice, camaraderie, fellowship and love. Mustafa is a very smart, skillful, handsome young man. He serves as a policeman with his best friend Ali, who is also an orphan like Mustafa. Kadı Gıyaseddin is a -kadı- (judge) who belongs to a well-established family, and was trained in Damascus, Bukhara, Cairo and Konya from an early age. He is of an easy-going and coolheaded temperament...
The German doctor Vicky falls in love with the young Turk Mehmet. His family has lived in Berlin for a long time, and people are open to Germans - including women . But his mother Fatma has a problem with Vicky because she is almost as old as she is . FatmaCiller, who says "Helga" to all German women and "Hans" to all German men , is shocked and determined to get rid of "old Helga" . When Hidir, Fatma 's husband , dies and the family can not afford to transport the body to Turkey , they areCille...
Vural has to work for Haluk, who betrayed his mentor Suphi. When Haluk plans to steal a priceless gospel, Vural gets his chance to avenge his mentor but he will have to face his own internal conflicts as well as everyone after the gospel....
The son of a Muslim emperor, Mahmut rejects his father's values and advocates a humanitarian approach to running the empire he will inherit. For him, there are more important things than power over others - namely the love he cherishes for Meryem, the daughter of a Christian monk. Rejecting the path chosen for him, Mahmut embarks on a dangerous journey looking for his love Meryem. It is this journey through a land in turmoil which will change both Mahmut and Meryem....