Billuka is a renowned Fintech company created and managed altogether by Julian and his friends Ricardo, Simón, Santiago, Tomas, Daniel and Mafe. On the other hand, Antonia, daughter of a very important businessman, arrives to Colombia in hopes to make a fresh start. When Julian meets Antonia is love at first sight. Later, Julian entangles himself on a series of conflicts between love and business....
While an empowered and wiser Betty works hard on rebuilding her relationship with her teenage daughter Mila, her relationship with Armando begins to deteriorate, making her question if she made the right decision 20 years ago....
Taking place mainly in Bogotá, Colombia, Betty La Fea is essentially a Cinderella comedy about the rise of poor, ugly 'Betty' Pinzón and the fall of rich, handsome Armando Mendoza. Armando is a very incompetent playboy with a scheme to turn a huge profit as the new President of Eco Moda, a famous clothing manufacturing company, but his scheme is doomed because of his faulty mathematics. Because Betty, his secretary (and economics wizard), is in love with him, she helps Armando deceive the Board ...
Avoiding the annoying demands of social life, Cleo drifts in the darkness of her apartment with her dog Esperanza as her only companion. The tense stillness of this apathetic world will be interrupted by a series of encounters that will progressively disintegrate the limbo she inhabits....