Centered around a personally troubled, officially discredited police chief and his inharmonious police team in Ankara Police Force. Even though the show usually focuses on murders and other crimes that happens on a weekly basis, the undertone of the story leads to an eventual duel between Behzat Ç. and the rotten department officials and bureaucrats....
Each episode, police inspectors Orhan and Selim try and solve puzzling cases with the help and guidance of forensics. Professor Sevil Atasoy, a forensic scientist, also joins us sometimes to tell relevant anecdotes....
Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II wages an epic campaign to take the Byzantine capital of Constantinople and shapes the course of history for centuries....
Yılmaz and İlkkan are two friends who are constantly fighting each other. Their biggest feature is always being able to do things that will turn their ordinary lives upside down. They magnify small events incredibly and give you a nervous breakdown. They are the embodiment of the misfortunes, strange events and despair we experience every day....
Amid the onset of andropause, a 50-something family man becomes obsessed with change and decides to pursue happiness. Then he bungles it up completely....
Yılmaz, İlkkan, and Ersoy's dull New Year's Eve balances the overly exuberant and enthusiastic emotions that the new year imposes on you and promises a more proper entertainment for everyone....
Ali and Ceren are two friends trying to make a living by acting. The fact that the theater plays directed by their mutual friend, Burak, is left without an audience and the interviews with the actors, which result in constant disappointment, cause disappointment to Ali one after the other....
The world is ending, but the president of The Grand Turkish Republic won’t let that happen until he has a chicken schnitzel. Gleefully silly science fiction satire with political bite....
Kemal is a guard at an empty villa belonging to a dark businessman outside the city. One night, he finds a book called IDEA, left by someone whose face he cannot see, on the bus he occasionally goes to the city. After, Kemal’s life begins to turn to hell in a way that he could never understand....