Anish Padmanabhan, Vaibhavi Shandilya, and Kalloori Vinoth. The story revolves around Adhi, who kidnaps Nisha, Riya, and Kirthi, and holds them hostage in a hideout. While trying to escape their kidnapper, one of the girls succumbs to death. Will the other two manage to get out alive?...
Amar is assigned to investigate a case of serial killings. When Amar investigates the case, he realizes it is not what it seems to be and following down this path will lead to nothing but war between everyone involved....
Five friends, all affected in some way by a mercury poisoning incident are partying when a freak accident put them on a collision course with an entity that is in no mood to forgive their misgivings....
Chennaiyil Vaanam Megamootathudan Kaanapadum movie is a thriller drama, a story narrated from an ayyanar aruvaal's point of view from a coconut shop during a cyclone time. will the city be saved? will the aruvaal reach back the shop?...