This television drama series is centered around the prestigious culinary school of renowned chef Auguste Armand. The show follows the lives of students and staff as they navigate the challenges and pressures of the culinary world—delving into their personal and professional lives, revealing secrets, rivalries, and complex relationships....
A recently divorced reporter moves back to her hometown of Nantes with her daughter, but painful memories await her there… When she was just 16, her Jehovah’s Witness parents forced her to give up her newborn son, a decision that drove her to run away from home and leave Nantes....
Murders in... is a collection of French-Belgian police TV movies taking place each time in a different French city and region....
July 1962. Christine Beauval, star speaker of the RTF, is a fulfilled woman who leads her life as a wife and mother, as well as an ambitious professional career. But in the spotlight, when she should speak, her body suddenly falls, bloody. A few days earlier, her husband Pierre was appointed head of Mondovision by his friend Eric Jauffret, Minister of Information....
Josephine Delamarre is a guardian angel that Heaven sends to earth. With her psychological insight, ability of persuasion and magical powers, she manages to help people who have problems. She appears at the beginning of each mission; when the mission is completed, she disappears with a click of her fingers....
An unconventional police captain with questionable methods learns to work with his new partner, a by-the-book criminal investigator....
After a failed plastic surgery, an actress hires a double to replace her on the set - Unaware that it's her twin sister, whom she didn't even know existed....
Alice and Nadia are two French women who have little in common except maternal love: they are faced with the challenge of saving their sons from drugs, prison, and death....