Big Ang is an American reality television series starring Angela "Big Ang" Raiola, who first received television exposure on the second season of the reality series Mob Wives. She's owned the bar Drunken Monkey in Staten Island, New York for seven years. Raiola's uncle, the late Salvatore "Sally Dogs" Lombardi, was a captain of the Genovese crime family. The series, which is a spinoff of Mob Wives, premiered July 8, 2012, on VH1. Raiola confirmed during an interview in May 2013 that a second se...
A reality-tv show where 5 celebrity couples in rocky relationships each season would stay in a big mansion together with continous meetings with psychologists and experts in the field led by Dr. Jenn Mann to try to sort their relationship problems as well as personal ones. The 2 couples that spawned the most controversy in media were the tumultious relationship beween rapper DMX and Tashera Simmons plus actor Doug Hutchinson (The Green Mile) and wife and fame-seeker Courtney Stodden (they stoo...
Mob Wives is an American reality television series on VH1 that made its debut April 17, 2011. It follows six Staten Island women after their husbands or fathers are arrested and imprisoned for crimes connected to the Mafia....
Mob Wives is an American reality television series on VH1 that made its debut April 17, 2011. It follows six Staten Island women after their husbands or fathers are arrested and imprisoned for crimes connected to the Mafia....
Bravo network executive Andy Cohen discusses pop culture topics with celebrities and reality show personalities....
Pals Danny and Frank spend the summer after high school working as lifeguards while figuring out their future....
Home with their newly-formed family, happy parents Dan and Jody are haunted by sinister, paranormal activities. Determined to expel the insidious force, they install security cameras and discover their family is being stalked by an evil dead demon....