The Lupin Collection, a vast ensemble of dangerous items acquired by the legendary gentleman thief Arsène Lupin, is stolen by an interdimensional crime syndicate known as the Ganglars. However, they receive opposition from two Super Sentai teams: the Lupinrangers, who aim to steal back the collection to live up their namesake's reputation and save those they have lost, and the Patrangers, who are tasked with upholding justice by retrieving the collection and taking down the Gangler....
In 2002 (Heisei 14), public relations officer Mikami Yoshinobu of D Prefectural Police, is having an intense confrontation with the correspondents’ club, over the issue of the anonymity of a perpetrator in a traffic accident that caused serious injuries. Meanwhile, the public relations office is informed by the top brass that the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department commissioner’s visit to the home of the family of the victim in “64”, an important unsolved case with its statute of limitation abo...
Detective Ukyo Sugishita confronts crime on the basis of his own convictions. He has a partner that works for him in the Special Task Unit. For the first 7 seasons, Ukyo’s first partner is Kaoru Kameyama. He is a good-natured, hot-tempered, straightforward and somewhat scattered detective. Beginning in Season 8, Takeru Kanbe replaces Kameyama. Contrary to his predecessor, Takeru is a lanky, cool, conceited and confident detective. From Season 11 to Season 13, Ukyo’s partner is a young detective ...
Set in a small restaurant in the corner of a shopping district. The unusual eatery is only open after midnight, and its standard menu consists of just a single choice. However, the customers still come for the amusing chatter and the proprietor's willingness to cook any dish that they request. This drama depicts the lives of the restaurant's patrons, including a yakuza, an unsuccessful actor, a group of office ladies, a newspaper delivery boy, and a stripper....
An old man and a young woman meet in Tokyo. She knows nothing about him, he thinks he knows her. He welcomes her into his home, she offers him her body. But the web that is woven between them in the space of twenty four hours bears no relation to the circumstances of their encounter....
Fujise, who loves curry rice, carries on relationships with several women at once. He's after the curry that his girlfriends make. Amidst it all, he ends up falling in love with a girl who hates curry....
On Halloween day, the Sun gives a scarecrow girl one night freedom until Sunrise. Transforming herself into human being, she gets mixed up with crowds of a Halloween matchmaking party in the big city, Tokyo. Coming from rice paddies and feeling isolated from the real human beings, the scarecrow falls in love with a real zombie. They are only real monsters among all, so the scarecrow thinks he is 'different' from others. The zombie has strong sense of justice, and he only eats bad people's bad br...
An old man and a young woman meet in Tokyo. She knows nothing about him, he thinks he knows her. He welcomes her into his home, she offers him her body. But the web that is woven between them in the space of twenty four hours bears no relation to the circumstances of their encounter....