Xiaozhuang Mishi, also known as Xiaozhuang Epic, is a 2003 Chinese television series produced by You Xiaogang. The series is the first instalment in a series of four television series about the early history of the Qing Dynasty. It was followed by Huang Taizi Mishi, Taizu Mishi and Secret History of Kangxi, all of which were also produced by You Xiaogang....
Huang Taizi Mishi is a 2004 Chinese television series produced by You Xiaogang. The series is the second instalment in a series of four television series about the early history of the Qing Dynasty. It was preceded by Xiaozhuang Mishi, and followed by Taizu Mishi and Secret History of Kangxi, all of which were also produced by You Xiaogang....
Sunny Girl is a 2011 Taiwanese drama starring Wu Chun and Rainie Yang It is produced by Comic International Productions The drama started filming in May 2010 and wrapped on 21 September 2010. It was filmed on location in Taiwan, China and Japan. It was broadcast in the summer of 2011. This is the Taiwanese remake of the 2002 Korean drama Successful Story of a Bright Girl....
Justice Bao is a Mainland Chinese television series, starring Jin Chao-chun, Kenny Ho and Fan Hung-hsuan. The three actors first portrayed their respective characters in the 1993 Taiwanese hit Justice Bao. Lung Lung from the 1993 series also reprised his role....
Justice Bao is a Mainland Chinese television series, starring Jin Chao-chun, Kenny Ho and Fan Hung-hsuan. The three actors first portrayed their respective characters in the 1993 Taiwanese hit Justice Bao. Lung Lung from the 1993 series also reprised his role....
An Australian girl becomes an au-pair for a Chinese family....
Set in the Ming Dynasty of China. The daughter of administrator of Wuxi County is cheated by the son of a high-rank official and has a child. Then she lives a tragic life and dies in desperation finally because of ethics of the time....