The Return of the Condor Heroes is a Singaporean television series adapted from Louis Cha's novel of the same title. It was broadcast from 2 June to 27 July 1998 on TCS Eighth Frequency in Singapore and was later released on other Asian television networks....
For many generations, many have been mesmerized by the legends of the Eight Immortals and their famous quest across the East Ocean. In this mega blockbuster, these legends are dramatized for maximum entertainment, with dazzling special effects, viewers are in for a sensual treat. Taiwanese heart-throb Ma Jingtao lends his impeccable acting skills as the leader of the celestial pack, Lu Dongbin....
Despite being a daughter of a triad chief, growing up in a less-than-desired environment, Hong Shan is nevertheless kindhearted by nature. Hong Shan first met Situ Hai Yang when they were six and seven, respectively, she had a crush on him and but never mustered enough courage to speak to him. Time has passed, and Hong Shan finally gets acquainted with Hai Yang- masquerades as Zi Qiang's sister. The Situ family was once a happy family. However, things changed when, Hai Yang's mother was killed b...
Sam, a fresh graduate from Singapore, works as a journalist in Hong Kong to gain wider exposure in life. He chances upon Jane, an intriguing mainland girl who lives a wayward, depraved life on the streets of Hong Kong. Because of her previous experiences in life, she is highly distrustful of men and spends her days smoking, taking drugs and booze. Sam, from a rich Singapore family, finds his social view broadened as he spends time with Jane in an effort to capture a good feature story. What star...