In a rural village on the border with Albania, Ahuria, lives a lovable grandmother, Giannoula (Yro Mane), with her family. Her great granddaughter, Ioanna (Lila Baklesi), returns to her paternal home after a ten-year absence due to studies. At the same time, a police officer from Athens, Heraklis (Nikos Poursanidis), gets an unfavorable transfer to the village Police Department....
The adventures of a vulture, an exquisite, handsome and particularly charming man who loves and is loved too much by women....
Bored soldiers, hard-ass commandos, dirty boots, guard duties, a Greek mommy, an influencer, a plastic surgeon, a gambling-addicted secretary and a caravan parked right outside! Two adjoining camps in the greek border. Two commanders in the middle of a "battle" that started years ago for a woman and now erupts for the position of brigadier general. One is old-school, cold-blooded militarist and the other lenient and caring. Goulas and Skordas. Sworn enemies!...
Lola was the Greek remake of the successful Argentine comedy franchise Lalola. The series premiered on September 22, 2008 in Greece on ANT1 and ran Monday through Friday. The last episode was released on July 7, 2009....