Originally made for Polish television, “The Decalogue” focuses on the residents of a housing complex in late-Communist Poland, whose lives become subtly intertwined as they face emotional dilemmas that are at once deeply personal and universally human. Its ten hour-long films, drawing from the Ten Commandments for thematic inspiration and an overarching structure, grapple deftly with complex moral and existential questions concerning life, death, love, hate, truth, and the passage of time....
Zmiennicy is a Polish sitcom completed in 1986 and aired in 1987. Many famous Polish actors appear in Zmiennicy....
A young boy rescues a black cat, Rademenes, who can talk and who in turn gives the boy seven wishes. But it turns out that with each wish there come a lot of problems....
Jerzy and Artur’s father dies, leaving behind a valuable stamp collection, which, they discover, is coveted by dealers of varying degrees of shadiness. The more involved the brothers get in their father’s world, the more dire and comical their situation becomes....