Galactik Football is a french animated television series, co-produced by Alphanim, France 2, Jetix Europe, and Welkin-Animation. Its third 26-episode season aired in Europe in June 2010. In the universe of Galactik Football, the inhabited worlds of the Zaelion Galaxy compete in Galactik Football, a sport analogous to football, but played seven to a side. The game is complicated by the addition of Flux, which enhances a player's attributes such as speed, strength, and agility, or grants special ...
A look at the work of Japanese woodblock printing artist Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849)....
Ever since she served on the jury during his trial, Nora has been convinced that Jacques Viguier is innocent, despite him being accused of murdering his wife. Following an appeal by the public prosecutor’s office, and fearing a miscarriage of justice, she convinces a leading lawyer to defend him during his second trial, on appeal. Together, they will put up a tenacious fight against injustice....