A father recounts to his children - through a series of flashbacks - the journey he and his four best friends took leading up to him meeting their mother....
Canadian Idol was a Canadian reality television competition show which aired on CTV, based on the British show Pop Idol. The show was a competition to find the most talented young singer in Canada, and was hosted by Ben Mulroney. Jon Dore was the "roving reporter" for the first three seasons. Elena Juatco assumed the role for season four, Dave Kerr had the role in season five and Jully Black in season six. The show began with a cross-Canada tour in which singers audition in front of four judges...
The Jon Dore Television Show is a mockumentary-style sitcom, based on an idea by Jon Dore and John Brunton. The show stars Canadian actor and comedian Jon Dore, of recent Canadian Idol co-host fame. The Comedy Network ordered 13 half hour episodes of the series, which premiered on October 17, 2007 at 10pm ET. The second season premiered on January 21, 2009. A third season was supposed to be premiered in 2010 until Dore confirmed the series' cancellation. The show is also currently being played o...
Polly is a single mom who has recently divorced. The transition hasn't been easy for her, especially in this economy. So, like a lot of young people living in this new reality, she and her daughter, Natalie, have moved back home with her eccentric parents, Elaine and Max....
Mash Up is a 2012 television series on Comedy Central hosted by T. J. Miller that features stand up comedians and visualizations. Series was spawned from a 2011 special of the same name. Steve Heisler at the The A.V. Club reviewed the show and gave it a grade of A-....
After returning from abroad after a break-up with his long-term partner, Justin plans to connect with his teenage daughter he gave up for adoption. His plans to make new memories with his daughter at the family cottage go awry when he discovers his parents left it to his picture-perfect step-sister, Maisy-May....
Maya DiMeo is a mom on a mission who will do anything for her husband, Jimmy, and kids Ray, Dylan, and JJ, her eldest son with special needs. As Maya fights injustices both real and imagined, the family works to make a new home for themselves and searches for just the right person to give JJ his “voice.”...
A romantic comedy series following the intersecting love stories of young mall employees during the holiday season....
Chris Hardwick will lead three celebrity contestants down the ultimate internet wormhole. Culling from the darkest recesses of social media, they will compete to determine who has the funniest take on the day's pop culture....
New Yorker Zoe Hart has it all figured out - after graduating top of her class from medical school, she'll follow in her father's footsteps and become a cardio-thoracic surgeon. But when her dreams fall apart, Zoe decides to work at a small practice in Bluebell, Alabama....
A late night television talk show hosted by Conan O'Brien....
Kaitlin Olson (It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia) stars opposite Jon Dore in this hilarious heist comedy written and directed by Jason and Randy Sklar (Cheap Seats). A disgruntled and bored bank teller named Ray (Jon Dore) finally gets his wish for some excitement when the branch is held up by two teams of crazy robbers disguised as Rocky I, Rocky II, Batman and Robin. As the robbery unfolds, the hostages fall victim to a comedic version of the Stockholm Syndrome and begin sympathizing with thei...
Ken Andrews has been the orchestrator of the hazing pranks at all of his buddies' stags - elaborate, hilarious pranks that have left many emotional scars and a few physical ones. And now today is Ken's stag! He nervously awaits the fate that his pals surely have in store for him, comforted only by the knowledge that Carl will be there to watch his back. That is, so long as Carl can extract himself from the Hollywood celebrity, Veronica. Ken will soon discover that payback is worse than he could ...
Lizzie's best friend, Andie, becomes pregnant and offers to give the baby to her. Lizzie's husband, Peter, reluctantly goes along with being the child's father, and Andie moves into the guest room for the remainder of the pregnancy....
Would be filmmakers, Nick and Vince, dream of making it big and getting out of Nowheresville. Their goal is to make the next indie blockbuster of Blair Witch proportions and they have just the idea to take them to the top: a documentary about their hometown hero Scott Speedman. As Nick and Vince scour the city to document Scott Speedman stories, they encounter prolific producer Dietrich Baum, who agrees to help them if they can get the "actual Scott Speedman" in their movie. Nick and Vince seem ...
Tig Notaro travels across the country to perform in the homes, back yards and basements of her fans. Even though each show has the potential to be a disaster, she dives into the chaos time and again to free herself from the comedy circuit grind....
A shy high schooler struggles to lose his virginity before the local Satanic cult can sacrifice him to the devil....
Desperate for cash, a down on his luck party emcee is corrupted by his shameless uncle to steal his grandmother's top secret pickle recipe....
The life of a contestant on a 'Bachelorette' style reality show is thrown into turmoil when the sudden death of his father forces him to quit the series prematurely and reconnect with his estranged sister at the family cabin....
A small-town couple finds the perfect apartment in the big city, except there's one catch: the apartment is home to the ritualistic suicides of a deranged cult....
Lost motorbike gang film. "Freeway to Hell," A shocking and wrenchingly violent morality tale in which a technological worker quits his job, joins a gang, and takes a wild ride through a seedy underworld of rowdy men, wild women, and motorbikes....