Türkisch für Anfänger is a critically acclaimed German television comedy-drama series, which premiered on March 14, 2006 on Das Erste. It was created by Bora Dağtekin and produced by Hoffmann & Voges Ent. The show focuses on the German-Turkish stepfamily Schneider-Öztürk, their everyday lives and particularly on the eldest daughter Lena, who narrates the show. During the show's run of 52 episodes, topics covered included both typical problems of teenagers and cross-cultural experiences. Due to...
Polizeiruf 110 is a long-running German language detective television series. The first episode was broadcast 27 June 1971 in the German Democratic Republic, and after the dissolution of Fernsehen der DDR the series was picked up by ARD. It was originally created as a counterpart to the West German series Tatort, and quickly became a public favorite....
Follow the everyday work of a fictional police station on the Kiez of Hamburg....
Drama set in a women's prison in Germany. Susanne Teubner, a sympathetic young woman who has killed her husband in an affect, is poorly advised by her lawyer and sentenced to life imprisonment for willful murder. The arrival in prison is a shock to her. Resigned and exhausted, she endures the degrading admission procedure. She doesn't notice that the young doctor Dr. Beck immediately felt more than professional interest for her....
Stubbe – Von Fall zu Fall is a German crime detective television series starring Wolfgang Stumph as detective Stubbe. It is being broadcast on ZDF, the second German public television channel since 1995....
Stubbe – Von Fall zu Fall is a German crime detective television series starring Wolfgang Stumph as detective Stubbe. It is being broadcast on ZDF, the second German public television channel since 1995....
München 7 is a German police drama series from Franz Xaver Bogner. The show is set in Munich, Germany and features the fictive police station "München 7" or "Munich 7". The main characters are the "Sheriff from Marienplatz" Xaver Bartl and his new colleague Felix Kandler. München 7 is part of a series of commonly branded shows with similar themes called "Heiter bis tödlich"....
GSG 9 is a German TV-series about the special unit GSG 9 der Bundespolizei of the German Federal Police. It premièred in the Spring of 2007. Its original title, GSG 9 - Ihr Einsatz ist ihr Leben, is a pun on the word Einsatz. Einsatz can be translated as "mission, stake, bet, dedication", depending on the context. Thus, it can be translated as, GSG 9 - Their Mission Is Their Life or GSG 9 - They Put Their Lives at Stake....
Tatort is a long-running German/Austrian/Swiss, crime television series set in various parts of these countries. The show is broadcast on the channels of ARD in Germany, ORF in Austria and SF1 in Switzerland....
Helen Dorn is an expert Police Commissioner, who’s years of experience have given her killer instinct when it comes to crime. On the department head’s orders, Helen Dorn become involuntary partners with Detective Chief Superintendent Gregor Georgi, with Helen in the role of Georgi’s superior. After initially ruffling some feathers, as Gregor thought he was about to take over a case as head investigator and not confronted with a new superior, the two prove to be a solid pairing: Helen’s famed int...
The SOKO Köln investigates the cathedral city with humor and often with hard work. Their cases take them into a variety of environments, from the Cologne clique to the terraced housing estates on the outskirts of the city....
The SOKO Köln investigates the cathedral city with humor and often with hard work. Their cases take them into a variety of environments, from the Cologne clique to the terraced housing estates on the outskirts of the city....
Murder, Venice, relationships...it's a delicious concoction in the hands of crime novelist Donna Leon. Venice provides the backdrop for the lush film versions of the bestselling novels, which features the indelible Commissario Guido Brunetti, canal boat rides instead of car chases, fine cuisine and crime investigations in one of Europe’s most beautiful locations....
The SOKO Stuttgart team investigates analytically and with sensitivity in the likeable state capital. The exciting cases of the series lead them to bizarre crime scenes and to different milieus....
Tatort is a long-running German/Austrian/Swiss, crime television series set in various parts of these countries. The show is broadcast on the channels of ARD in Germany, ORF in Austria and SF1 in Switzerland....
Stolberg is a German detective television series, starring chief inspector Martin Stolberg. The series is more serious and less flashy than other contemporary German detective series....
Danni Lowinski is a former hairdresser who has graduated in law. When she does not get a job at a law firm, she starts to give legal advice from the basement of a shopping mall....
The Bambi, often called the Bambi Award and stylised as BAMBI, is a German award presented annually by Hubert Burda Media to recognize excellence in international media and television to personalities in the media, arts, culture, sports, and other fields "with vision and creativity who affected and inspired the German public that year", both domestic and foreign. First held in 1948, it is the oldest media award in Germany. The trophy is named after Felix Salten's book Bambi, A Life in the Woods ...
TV presenter Markus Lanz invites prominent guests and experts from all areas of public life to his colourful talk show. As a rule, there are four guests, introduced individually to contribute their personal experiences to the topics....
The Berliner Abendschau is the news magazine for Berlin....
In Hamburg, Ibrahim "Ibo" Secmez, of Turkish descent, wants to direct the first German kung-fu movie. For now, he makes commercials for his uncle's kebab restaurant. Titzie, an aspiring actress and Ibo's German girlfriend, finds she's pregnant. Ibo is uncertain about fatherhood - compounded by his father's disowning him for getting a German girl pregnant - so Titzie sends him packing. He makes attempts at getting it right, but as the birth approaches, he's still not ready. In the background are ...
Zeynap Altin is at the end of her tether: she works far too much and is not valued at all by her husband, daughter and father. To make matters worse, the funeral home dressed her beloved late mother in a man's suit instead of her favorite dress. Enough is enough: Zeynep flees from Munich to the previously unknown holiday home on a Croatian island that her mother secretly bought years ago - with the hope of finding quiet, peace and herself there. If only the previous owner Josip, a rough islander...
A man awakens from a coma, only to discover that someone has taken on his identity and that no one, (not even his wife), believes him. With the help of a young woman, he sets out to prove who he is....
A fictionalized account of the September 11 hijackers....
During an emergency landing on a deserted island suddenly traumatized by antiauthoritarian education Lena Schneider together with the Turkish Super Macho Cem Öztürk must fight for survival. After initially Cem macho repulsive acts on Lena, a jellyfish in the water and sand in a bikini, she recognizes the time the romantic core behind his cool facade. Meanwhile, meet also their parents, who obdurate psychologist Doris and Metin Öztürk to work together to find their missing children. So both gener...
Tom, a wide-eyed, innocent sixteen year-old, finds himself an unwitting accomplice in a deadly game of vengeance and death when he befriends Artur - a Chechen man, hell bent on revenging the torture and murder of his family - on the streets of Tallinn....
The cabaret artist Marc-Uwe and the kangaroo are faced with a problem: Lisbeth, the mother of Maria has taken a wrong turn somewhere and is now denying the climate crisis on the Internet. How can she be brought to her senses? The two make a bet with each other: If they don't manage to bring Maria's mother to her senses, they will lose their apartment. So Marc-Uwe and the marsupial embark on a trip to the Conspiracy Convention in Bielefeld and shortly thereafter become part of a tangible conspira...
Scientists try to simulate the Big Bang and the experiment gets out of control. While satellites come down and chaos arises, the stories of several people trying to survive is told....
Hatice has a problem: she desperately needs a man. Because her younger sister Fatma is pregnant and must marry immediately. However, that is only allowed when Hatice is under the hood, as the old Anatolian tradition, to which the father Ismail firmly clings. But where should Hatice find a groom so fast? Because a Turk may not be under any circumstances, which may blaze in the German man already a bit Turkish fire. And so Hatice goes in search of her "Hans with hot sauce"....
Reversed at birth: 15 years later, two families, two cultures and two children collide in a way that couldn't be more different....
The two 15-year-old girls Zoe and Asal are best friends. They are spending their last summer holidays together before the earnestness of life begins. But this summer their friendship is put to the test by the arrival of a backpacker whose name is Kai....
After Leon left his team in the historic 25-1 defeat against the national team, Die wilden Kerle broke up. Only the little Nerv still believes in his old heroes and tries to bring the grown-up guys back together with the help of his dreaded side puller. Leon's former best friend Fabi has meanwhile founded his own team, the girls' team, "The Beastly Beasts", and challenges "The Wild Soccer Bunch" to a duel in the Nattern Cave....
The famous five George, Julian, Dick, Anne and Timmy the dog are spending holidays together. But when they are invited by Berhard, father of Julian, Dick and Anne, to visit an egyptian exhibition they see a burglar. They have a look at the mummy the burglar was tempering with to find a golden amulet. The famous five decide to visit Egypt to hand over the amulet. When arriving in Egypt Bernhard is arrested because he's asserted he stole the amulet and replaced it with a fake. Now its up to the yo...
Jan meets Judith by accident and realizes that she is the woman who was supposed to have shot and killed his father, who worked as a security officer at the bank....
Tom is a nice guy, and that's his problem: Real women don't like nice guys. No surprise that he has never gotten laid. On graduation day and amidst laughter, he is presented with Fixi, a lifesize sex doll. How embarassing! But the next morning, Tom awakes next to a real woman - Fixi came to life....
Kati has had her dream man at home for five years: attractive, loyal and professionally successful as a doctor. Unfortunately, "her" Felix now spends so much time at work in the hospital that Kati too often feels alone. When she met the good-looking, charming artist Mathias, it hit her like Felix did back then. Shortly before her last inhibitions fall, fate shuffles the cards in an unbelievable way: after a car accident, Kati wakes up in the past - exactly on the day five years ago when she acci...
Johanna, a feisty 17-year-old German girl with dreams of becoming a fashion designer, discovers her biological father is Turkish. Without telling him of their relationship, she gets a job at his elegant restaurant and disaster follows....
Kira's skin starts to age rapidly, dry out and crumble away. But then she discovers that she can replace her own skin with somebody else's....
To this very day, kids believe that the stories of "The Wild Soccer Bunch" are the best in the world, and that's why Leo, Elias, Finn, Joshua, Oskar and Matze, replay their heroes’ legendary games every spare minute. One day a darkly dressed young man hands them a mysterious map that leads the boys into unknown territory....
Kenan and Lissi live side by side in a semi-detached house in Munich - and yet in different worlds. He is an order-loving bourgeois who doesn't tolerate a speck of dust in his house and devotes himself meticulously to growing roses in the garden. No wonder that she, a best-selling author and life artist, has very little to do with the philistine next door. There is only one thing that connects them: Lissi is the landlady of Kenan's semi-detached house....
After some back and forth are graphic designers Jan Börner can finally bring himself and his wife Anne and their children Lisa and Luke a terraced house in a modern housing estate to relate. But a short time later reveal the dark side of this decision. In the midst of gossiping settlement residents privacy is nil. To make matters worse, the busy neighbors feel even called to overwhelm Jan and Anne with supposedly helpful advice for running the household and raising children. The tense atmospher...
Archaeologist Schlesinger is convinced that he has discovered the mortal remains of Jesus Christ. Because the discovery would shake Christianity, a fundamentalist order ensures that the man cannot enjoy his theory for long. With the involuntary help of an attractive surgeon, Schlesinger's daughter Felicia wants to ensure that the truth comes to light; a life-threatening mission....
Many years after her notorious husband, Henry Fool, fled after killing a neighbor, Fay Grim receives a visit from CIA agent Fulbright, who tells her that Henry is dead, but that some of his journals have been unearthed in France. She sets forth on a globe-trotting odyssey that soon leads to the discovery that he is alive, and his journals are more than they appear to be....
A communist kangaroo moves in with an artist in Berlin....
Now that too. As soon as the model Bavarian Toni Freitag has properly integrated his son-in-law Osman, daughter Franzi drags an uninvited boarder from Berlin - in the person of her mother-in-law Farah. Unfortunately, good Toni gets along with the quick-witted businesswoman like cats and dogs. Servus. The fact that Farah has left her stubborn "Pascha" Mesut and her wedding dress shop and wants to stay indefinitely also shakes the ideal world of the reigning shooter king. His wife Anne soon showed...
Longtime friends Noah and Hakim fall in love with the same woman. Charlotte is a photographer from Bavaria, blonde, blue-eyed, German and Catholic. Noah is Jewish and Hakim is Muslim. The tension between the two friends, the religions and the previously friendly families is thus established....