A 'runaway' homeless man, once a renowned athlete, finds himself marooned in the small, snow-covered town of Zarechensk. Victor lands a job at an orphanage, where he soon meets a young teacher who becomes both a compassionate friend and the love of his life. However, fate doesn't play out simply as good or bad; it unfolds in a way that makes the hero realize one cannot run away from oneself. Consequently, it is in Zarechensk that a train carrying a film crew from the capital, on their way back t...
During WWII Germans take hostages four children of partizans chief ....
When winter comes, it is hard for those who try to escape from the colds alone, relying only on themselves. The heroes of one of the most famous folk tales come to this conclusion. The tale became the literary basis of the film. The age-old folk wisdom is embodied here in a simple story....
About a wolf who gate crashes a wedding. Based on a Belorusian folk tale, although the decay of the Soviet Union at the time show through the pores of the depiction of the tale....
This is a last of 3 movies about 3 friends (the other two are "Kortik" and "Bronzovaya Ptitsa"). The gang has grown up and in this movie they discover and help to stop criminal activity on the factory and in their neighborhood....
About the friendship of a boy Taborka with a dog named Vulcan and their adventures. The boy lives in Brest and his friends play the war in the Brest Citadel, where the echoes of World War II are alive......
Sergei and Andrei are walking through a city park and see that a film shoot set just post World War II is taking place . They climb over the park fence to get a better view but hit some cable lying on the ground and find themselves in the past - on May 8, 1949, a day which they seem doomed to relive over and over again....
Based on the works of Ivan Shamyakin. The heroes of the film are representatives of the creative intelligentsia. Yesterday, their works were considered a national treasure, but now they are no longer needed. The famous writer Ivan Andreevich is forced to earn a living by selling his own books with autographs. More fortunate was his friend, the famous artist Mikhail Antonovich. All his paintings were bought by a western collector. But the banquet arranged by the artist on this occasion turned ou...
About how grandfather Yegor, telling fairy tales, captivates children playing on the street and brings them to school on time....