Die ProSieben Märchenstunde is a television movie series that has been produced since 2006. It features characters that are exclusively portrayed by German and Austrian comedians and actors. The series is shot in Prague. The screenplays have - amongst others - been written by Tommy Krappweis, Erik Haffner and Norman Cöster who came up with the stories of Bernd das Brot. Additionally, they are directing and have cameo appearances. Many actors use their respective dialect. Die ProSieben Märchens...
The Harald Schmidt Show is a German late night talk show hosted on Sky Deutschland by comedian Harald Schmidt. The show first aired from 5 December 1995 to 23 December 2003 on Sat.1. Schmidt then moved his show to Das Erste as Harald Schmidt and Schmidt & Pocher, but he returned to Sat.1 on 13 September 2011. After cancellation on Sat.1, the show continued on Sky Deutschland in September 2012....
political cabaret...
Willkommen bei Mario Barth-Episoden is a German television series....
TV presenter Markus Lanz invites prominent guests and experts from all areas of public life to his colourful talk show. As a rule, there are four guests, introduced individually to contribute their personal experiences to the topics....
TV total is a German late-night television comedy talk show. The set of TV total includes a floating interview stage that can be moved from one studio corner to the other. The show featured buttons with sounds and clips before Craig Ferguson's The Late Late Show....
Reinhold Beckmann hosts a weekly talk show....
Schillerstraße was a German improvisational comedy show that aired weekly on Sat.1. It was recorded without a script and broadcast unedited to a large extent....
Johann König live: Whoever makes plans is laughed at. The new program from 2023!...
In 1989, Jenny Ecker, an 18-year-old daughter of an entrepreneur, flees from Hildesheim to the east - out of love. The teenager has fallen hopelessly in love with an East Berliner. Jenny’s parents are foaming from wrath and offer a reward: One-hundred thousand, later even a million, deutschmarks for whoever brings them their daughter back. The prospect of so much money gets east and west into quite a disarray – and in the end, the Wall really falls....
A German flight attendant's life spirals downward after she leaves her husband, quits her job, and joins a radical group of animal rights activists....
This charming animated adventure follows a young polar bear, Lars, as he befriends Robbie, a seal. Together, these two form a friendship that proves different breeds of animals can get along perfectly well....
New adventures from Lars, the cheeky little polar bear who loves nothing more than to explore the big wide world. This time Lars and his friend Robby start out for a rescue mission for their friend Caruso leading them all the way to the Galapagos Islands....