The film tells about the events that happened to Eshkin (Elmeddin Jafarov), who kidnapped his girlfriend (Dilara Aliyeva) together with his friend Karamat (Vusal Murtuzaliyev). Eshkin and Qizkhanim meet on the Facebook social network. Qizkhanim lives in the district, and her father wants Eshkin to kidnap her because he wants to marry her off to someone else. Eshkin runs him off with his friend's hearse, and the misadventures begin right after that......
An incredible love story. The script of the film is inspired by the Lezgins and reflects the fate of the Lezgin people. This is the first Lezgin feature film in the history of Azerbaijani cinema....
During the late 1980s and early 1990s the Armenian minority in Nagorono-Karabakh attempted to break away from Azerbaijan, one of the former Soviet republics. Overnight these former neighbors became enemies, and simple village folk were suddenly made hostages in a complex power game. One of the Azerbaijani villages right on the border is home to the family of the peasant farmer Kerim, who has just been captured by the Armenians. The village council decides to take an Armenian in order to arrange ...