Türkisch für Anfänger is a critically acclaimed German television comedy-drama series, which premiered on March 14, 2006 on Das Erste. It was created by Bora Dağtekin and produced by Hoffmann & Voges Ent. The show focuses on the German-Turkish stepfamily Schneider-Öztürk, their everyday lives and particularly on the eldest daughter Lena, who narrates the show. During the show's run of 52 episodes, topics covered included both typical problems of teenagers and cross-cultural experiences. Due to...
Morden im Norden is a German Police that has been broadcast by Das Erste. The show is set in Lübeck, Germany Morden im Norden is part of a series of commonly branded shows with similar themes called "Heiter bis tödlich"....
Tatort is a long-running German/Austrian/Swiss, crime television series set in various parts of these countries. The show is broadcast on the channels of ARD in Germany, ORF in Austria and SF1 in Switzerland....
SOKO Kitzbühel is an Austrian television series produced by ORF and ZDF. It is a spin-off of the German crime series SOKO 5113. It is set in the renowned Tyrolean tourist centre of Kitzbühel. The production company "beo-Film" has produced the show since 2001. The German abbreviation SOKO stands for Sonderkommission, "special commission", a task force with specific duties....
The Krupps were one of Germany's most powerful and controversial families until their downfall....
Nerdy Jewish Nelly Sue Edelmeister, daughter of a New York mother and Berlin musician in Berlin gets straight A's, except for gym. When she hears her dream prince, actual royal Edouard, a fellow astronomy buff who studies in Luxemburg, patronizes the basketball tournament hosted there by a European school she wants to join her school's girls team....
Girl gets transported back in the past and makes changes to the direction in her life...
Maria needs sex like others need air to breathe. Thanks to their attractiveness , there is always a willing bed play. Maria's 17 -year-old son Laurin is also the result of a one-night stand - and yet he is his mother's pride . However , Laurin is one of theirsEscapades unenthusiastic . Worse still, the devout boy thinks his mother is the walking mortal sin , which is just fine with his plan to evict the new pastor ....
Gaspard is menestrel at the court of King Wilbur. He and Princess Ella love each other and want to get married and discover the world together. But Ella's father King Wilbur does not accept it. He traps Gaspard in a dungeon and makes his daughter believe that he has gone around the world. In prison, Gaspard meets Lucas "The Strong", who is stronger than 10 men, and Flora "The Witch", who orders plants. Thanks to Lucas, they escape from prison, and on their way they meet Marcus "The Runner", who...