A middle-aged man whose children have left home and his wife lives apart from him, houses teenagers who have been separated from their families and live on the street...
The story of Nahumi, a sensitive young man who dreamt of being the lead singer of the military rabbinate choir. Unfortunately, his dream was cut short when he was replaced by Dudi, the ultra-Orthodox YouTube star. Everything is about to change when Brigadier General Elhanan (an Israeli hero with two bionic hands) is appointed as the new Chief Military Rabbi, especially when he has big plans, that include Nahumi as well....
The Hora 79 dance troupe was the face of Israeli folk dancing. Following a traumatic event. An accident? A murder? A suicide? The group ceased its activity and the members went their own ways. Now, 33 years later, the Karmiel Dance Festival initiates a reunion for a tribute to Hebrew dance. The encounter brims with nostalgia, tension, and guilt. Will they be able to overcome the dark ghosts of the past, the old conflicts, the betrayal of the body and of the memory?...
The young, recently divorced mother Ronit lives only for her young son and a future with a new man. But then she witnesses the rape of her neighbor Betty and is supposed to identify the perpetrator. His brother, however, does everything in his power to prevent this and does not hesitate to threaten his little son. The terror really begins when Betty, who has been raped, kills herself and the perpetrator is released. Now Ronit has only one option left...to act herself....
Candid Camera hi-jinks featuring a lot of weird pranks involving sexy women doing sexy things, babies that cry from inside the womb and all kinds of public misbehavior. An international comedic troupe travels around the world to play some crazy tricks on innocent, unsuspecting people....