Mga Basang Sisiw or Lost Children is a Filipino drama television series developed by Dode Cruz and produced by GMA Network. It premiered on June 3, 2013, replacing Unforgettable on the network's coveted Afternoon Prime block, and on June 5, 2013 worldwide via GMA Pinoy TV. The series is inspired on Agustin dela Cruz's classic Filipino film of the same title and topbilled by Lani Mercado, Raymond Bagatsing, Gardo Versoza, Maxene Magalona, Mike Tan and featuring Renz Valerio, Bianca Umali, Kimberl...
Magic Palayok is a Philippine drama-fantasy-comedy series from GMA Network featuring Angeli Nicole Sanoy, Carla Abellana and Geoff Eigenmann and at the helmed of Joel Lamangan. The show premiered February 28, 2011 replacing Bantatay. The show premiered on GMA Pinoy TV on March 2, 2011, two days after its original premiere....
The story of a unique family where a Mranaw man marries three different women for various reasons....
In the realm of Encantadia, there is a kingdom called Avila where Avian creatures called Mulawins live. Though humans have caused the destruction of the forests, forcing Avians out of their own habitat, the Mulawins have maintained their benevolence towards humans. This does not sit well with a faction of Mulawin called Ravenas. They breakaway and establish their own kingdom called Halconia in the fiery volcanic mines of Mt. Apo. Since then, Mulawins and Ravenas have been at war fighting each ot...
A Philippine seasonal anthology series that features brand new stories made for television while still staying true to the themes of love, family, and legacy from the iconic Mano Po films....
It centers on a frustrated writer who finds a typewriter that allows him to rewrite his life story....
Kambal, Karibal is a Philippine television drama supernatural series broadcast by GMA Network. Directed by Don Michael Perez, it stars Bianca Umali, Miguel Tanfelix, Pauline Mendoza and Kyline Alcantara....
Mano Po Legacy: Her Big Boss is a 2022 Philippine television drama romantic comedy series broadcast by GMA Network. The series is the second installment of Mano Po Legacy. It stars Bianca Umali, Ken Chan and Kelvin Miranda. It premiered on March 14, 2022 on the network's Telebabad line up....
The Filipino version of “Running Man” has successfully captured the essence of the original while adding its own cultural twists. This adaptation brings together famous Filipino celebrities who take on similar challenges, providing a local flavour that resonates with the audience. The show's format includes a mix of physical and mental challenges, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats....
To commemorate the 45th anniversary of the declaration of Martial Law by former President Ferdinand Marcos, GMA Public Affairs presented “Alaala” with a special performance in which Alden Richards brought to life the experiences of Boni Ilagan, one of the victim of military brutality during the dictatorship....
Isabel Reyes (Rhian Ramos) is an infamous soap opera villain in the country. Everyone simply loathes Isabel which makes her the most condemned personality in the world of television. But by some weird twist of fate, Isabel's life turns upside down when she encounters a near-death accident. The wicked antagonist experiences a sudden change of heart and being the top kontrabida of her soap opera, Isabel couldn't just deliver her heartlessness and cruelty in front of the camera. Her over-the-top vi...
A coming-of-age film that tells the story of Billy Bayagan, a closeted gay in a family of strict and conservative policemen. The film follows his journey of acceptance and love for his true self....
It is a story of friends that were trapped while hiking in a haunted forest....
Zach is a rich boy forced to find and keep a job after a major blunder in a company he set up. He ends up working for Evelyn, whom he discovers to be the boss from hell. In the long run, he sees her for who and what she really is. Meanwhile, Evelyn is an uptight and tough Brand Manager who hires an assistant Brand Manager. When she finds herself dumped by her boyfriend, Evelyn seeks comfort in Zach, her assistant who shows a different side of him. As they get to know each other more and as thei...
A heartwarming story that seeks to teach family values, life, and marriage....