Dolly ki Ayegi Baraat is a Pakistani comedy-drama and the sequel of hit drama Azar Ki Ayegi Baraat. It is based on Evernew's popular storyline of Kis Ki Ayegi Baraat. The show includes most of the characters from Azar Ki Ayegi Baraat, and focuses on the story of Azar's cousin Dolly and Sila's friend Nabeel. Unlike the first serial in the series, which was written by Mohammad Ahmed, Dolly ki Ayegi Baraat was written by Bushra Ansari and Vasay Chaudry. Also, the character of Sila, previously playe...
Kashf, a young woman, has recurrent nightmares that eventually take the shape of reality. As a result, it affects everything around her and she struggles to deal with day-to-day life....
The drama revolves around a girl name Sauleha who lives with her husband Rashid and their daughters, but is pressed by her mother-in-law to produce a son otherwise she will be thrown out of the house. Sauleha delivers a baby boy but the boy gets exchanged for a girl by Qayyum in the hospital who is desperate to have a son. Sauleha's mother-in-law does not accept the baby girl and in order to get away from her presence she performs black magic which disturbs the mind of Sauleha. Her mother-in-law...
Bay Khudi is a tale of Fiza who shifted to her aunt’s house along with her mother after her father’s death. Saad’s (Noor Hassan) mother loves Fiza as her own daughter. Fiza is happy because of Saad who’s her cousin and best friend, however Saad has feelings for Fiza. Fiza luckily gets engaged to Asher whom she loves and doesn’t realize what Saad feels for her. Saad couldn’t accept the reality that Fiza is not his anymore and that’s where his love for her turns into obsession....
Salahuddin and Minahil fall in love with each other but Salahuddin refuses to marry Manahil due to their social-class status and due to fear of rejection from her family. Later, Minahil is married with a person who is a spoiled-habitual person....