This story revolves around the lives of Mr Rashid, his wife, Amna, and his two daughters, Falak and Sitara. Rashid is a narrow minded man, not in favor of educating women. However Falak’s determination forces him to give in and he allows her to complete intermediate education privately. She goes to her neighbor, who is also the principal of a college, for tuition. There she meets Haroon and falls madly in love with him....
It is the story of Saba and the struggles she faces due to being in love with her best friend and cousin Irtiza....
The story of Daagh drama serial completely revolves around the life of a house wife named Umama, who has four daughters....
An ambitious girl seeks out her destiny and true love , when tables start to take a turn she meets a man who gives her a completely new perspective to life and love....
Tiger Bhai and Golden Bhai are the Kaminey dons, no one dares to stand in front of them and what they say they make it happen. Tiger wants to take over golden's territory and wishes to be the only and biggest don. He hatches a plan of getting his daughter to get married to golden's son....