Kashmakash Zindagi Ki is an Indian TV series produced by Reasonable Advertising Limited, based on the story of an adopted girl who is hated by everyone in her new family except her father. The story portrays the sour relationships in a family. The series premiered on November 20, 2006, and stars Deepshikha in the maid lead as Aradhana. The series is one of the long-running television programme of DD National channel, which completed its 300 episodes in June 2008 & 500 episodes on March 20, 2009...
This supernatural show traces the lives of 'ichchadhari' naagins. Watch on, as every season, the Naagin fights evil and keeps the ultimate source of power safe....
Azaan, the dynamic young Nawab of Bhopal returns home after a hiatus of five years from London with the love of his life Shayra. However, his mother Begum Raziya eagerly awaits his return to break the news of his nikah with his childhood friend Noor. Set in the royal world of Bhopal, behold Bahu Begum, the tale of three individuals Azaan, Shayra and Noor, who are entangled in a web of love, revenge and penance!...
Qubool Hai is a soap opera on Zee TV produced by 4 Lions Films.It airs on Mondays to Fridays . The show focuses on the Muslim community and aims to dispel stereotypes regarding Islam. The story is based in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India. It stars Karan Singh Grover, Surbhi Jyoti and Vikrant Massey....