Alfred J. Kwak is a cartoon television series based on a Dutch theatre show by Herman van Veen and was co-produced by VARA, Telecable Benelux B.V. and TV Tokyo and first shown in 1989. It consists of 52 episodes. The series characters were designed by Harald Siepermann. There are also toys and a comic based on the animated series. The series has been broadcast in many countries and has been dubbed and subtitled in Dutch, French, Japanese, Greek, English, Italian, Spanish, Hebrew, Arabic, Hungar...
Liesje’s parents are divorced. She lives in a nice house with her mother and grandpa. Liesje writes letters to her father who lives in Rio de Janeiro. At least, that’s what her mother has told her. After Liesje’s grandpa passes away, she begins to miss her father more and more. She decides to go visit him in Rio. To get money for the flight, she sells the stamp collection she was given by her grandpa. Without her mother knowing, she boards the plane to Brazil alone – but then she finds out the t...