Masumiyet follows the story of Bahar, a married mother of two, whose life changes drastically after her 19-year-old daughter falls in love with a wrong man. Her daughter Ela's first love is not a college student her age, but her father's 35-year-old boss, who is about to marry someone else. Bahar, who is trying to save her daughter from this wrong relationship, can not prevent what will happen, no matter what she does. An event that occurs on the day of Ela's 19th birthday party, changes the liv...
A therapy-situated series that will explore every day problems of every day people. Based on a book by Dr. Gülseren Buğdayıcıoğlu....
A rich touch actor, Tolga (previously a romance star) meets a modest, poor girl, Aysa (a mall clerk) and through hijinks, coincidence, and no choice but to accept it, they embark on a journey of a lifetime as Prince & Pauper....
When a mafia family named Koçovars are in danger of losing control of their neighborhood, “The Pit,” their youngest son must come back home, a place he could never truly escape....
After divorcing, Leyla and her baby move to Turkey from Germany. She struggles to find a job and leave her family's house. She meets Hasmet through a job. Meanwhile Alper tries to keep up. His marriage and job are in trouble. Alper and Leyla meet unexpectedly through a sucker punch....
5 kids are working for a dark man called 'Çatal'. They find a baby in a trash bin, and because of Mercan's motherly instincts, they decide to take care of the baby; named 'Gülayşe'. Çatal, the bad guy notices the baby, thus the chaos begins by hurting him and killing a woman accidentaly who was looking for the baby. Frightened kids decide to abandon their territory. Gülayşe, the baby, is the daughter of a wealthy family couple, Bahar and Hafız Eyüboğlu. Her uncle, the boss of Çatal, kidnaps his ...
A therapist begins to suspect his clients after the murder of his wife....
Battered, broken and bereaved, a private investigator must muscle his way through a tangle of lies to uncover the truth behind a mansion murder....
A lawyer turned private investigator takes on a missing person case, propelling him on an unexpected and life-altering quest....