This Chinese period drama series follows the fortunes of a prominent merchant family engaged in Traditional Chinese Medicine during the waning years of the Ching dynasty. The affairs of this family of doctors/pharmacists (which in those days were one and the same) are intimately linked with social upheavals of the time such as the encroachment of Christian missionaries and foreign imperialism as well as conflicts that inevitably emerge in a large upper class family. Comparable in scope and produ...
During the civil war, a baby is rescued by the party....
Principal of a reformatory school leads a lost boy back on the right direction....
A group of young intellectuals return to the city after the Cultural Revolution....
The story of the beginning of China's oil industry....
The gold road part 1...
Counter-revolutionaries oppose Gao Daquan and the progressive production cooperative union efforts at improving flood control....
When the Cultural Revolution comes to an end and reform sweeps over China, two drivers of the Fifth Iron and Steel Factory set up a pancake stall in the free market in front of the factory, annoying the secretary of the Party Committee....
A 29-year-old assistant engineer is assigned the director of a failing synthetic fiber factory....
Shot in 1995, but banned until 2004, this is an adaptation of Su Tong's novel about a shrewd amoral country boy who arrives in the big city in the 1930s and works at a rice emporium.. Initially pushed around, he learns the ropes in his new environment quickly, eventually climbing to the position of boss by marrying the daughter of the house....
Set in late 1920s, Huang Ying Gu leads a group of outlaws in green woods, and joins the Red Army....
The adventure in Nanjing of the legendary CCP undercover Qian Zhuangfei....
In the spring of 1945, Japan established a secret base, Unit 731 in Manchuria, where many innocent Chinese, Korean and Mongolian people were killed in grotesque experiments. An idealistic young doctor , Morishima, is horrified by the experiments being performed in the camp and when his fiancée arrives disguised as a Chinese prisoner he sets out to liberate the camp. A docudrama sequel to the notorious Men Behind the Sun, which pulls no punches when it comes to delivering the shocks!...